Oman is a Middle East sultanate, located in the south-east of the Arabic peninsula. The current sultan Qabous forced to exile his despotic father in 1970, and underwent since then the improvement of the economical situation of his country, while maintaining the peace with the neighbour states of the Gulf. On the political level the absolute monarch has proceeded to institutional evolutions aiming at introducing democracy in the regime. In 1996, the sultan has promulgated a bill clarifying the rules of succession, establishing a bicameral parliament with some legislative powers and guarantying basic civil freedoms to the Omanese people. The establishment of the direct universal suffrage lead to the election in 2003 of 83 representatives of the low chamber (of which 2 women), with a turnout of 74% of the electors. At the same time the sultan appointed a governmental cabinet, to which several women belong. On a diplomatic level, Oman exerts an original influence in the Arabic world. Indeed, the sultanate has had an important role in the peace process in the Middle-East in defending the normalisation of the relations with Israel. Opposed to the intervention in Irak, the Omanese authorities subscribe plainly the fight against terrorism. This country appears also free from Islamic branches, on a fianancial and human point, according to the French foreign affairs Ministry. The main religion of the sultanate is the Ibâdism, which constitute a moderate and tolerant branch of Islam. The official language is Arabic but some minorities, mainly from India, speak their own language. Oil representing 82% of the budget resources, Omanese authorities wish to develop other sectors like the port activities or tourism. The country has got real advantages in this domain with great and various landscapes, and a welcoming population. Oman benefits from a rare stability in the region, despite the troubles in the Yemen neighbour. It remains to wish it to spread over Middle-East, which needs it hardly.
Oman in brief:
-Population: 2,9 millions of inhabitants (52% is less than 15 years old)
-Literacy rate: 74%
-Life expectancy: Women 75,6years, Men72,6 years
-National day: 18th of November (sultan’s birthday)
-423 French people are living in the sultanate
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